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Section: Act Now



Help us make history Volunteering with one of our teams is one of the most rewarding things you can do with your time. You will work with some incredible people and get to make a difference at this crucial time for society and humanity. Roles start at just an…

Section: Upgrade Democracy

Upgrade Democracy


Friday 30 August – Sunday 1 SeptemberWindsor, Berkshire, England Act Now Upgrade Democracy will unite thousands in a peaceful, creative protest demanding urgent climate action and democratic reform through a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice. Our occupation at Windsor will not be targeting a person, it will target the…

Section: Get Involved

Prepare for Action


Check out the resources and training events we have available for anybody thinking about taking or supporting action. Nonviolent direct action There are lots of opportunities for taking nonviolent direct action (NVDA). Many of them are perfect for first timers. If you’re new to this, there will be experienced…

Section: News

Young people and scientists occupy new coal-sponsored Science Museum gallery, joined by broadcaster and wildlife campaigner Chris Packham


More than 30 protesters led by young people from Youth Action for Climate Justice and members of Scientists for Extinction Rebellion have occupied the Science Museum’s new climate gallery, Energy Revolution, over its sponsorship by the coal giant and arms manufacturer, Adani. Naturalist and broadcaster Chris Packham joined the group as they began their protest, with scientists and young people now intending to remain in the museum over the weekend, with the first school visits to the gallery beginning on Monday.

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