XRUK Strategy 2025-26 - Extinction Rebellion UK
This is a moment of truth

XRUK Strategy 2025-26

As XRUK has evolved, so has our ability to dedicate time and energy to the depth of thought and work that the movement needs and deserves in its strategy. This strategy is rooted in research and evidence, built on the reality of what this movement is at this time – not what it used to be or what we would like it to be. XRUK is committed to delivering on its original promise, a mass movement to create transformational, systemic change.

Over six years our movement has evolved as the landscape has shifted around us. We know the tactics of 2019 no longer yield the same results, as the systems we face have adapted in response. To stay ahead, we must innovate and explore while applying the lessons learned from our journey – remaining true to our identity throughout. The climate and ecological emergency is not a single issue campaign, although many treat it like it is. We know that it is a world of interconnected injustices and corruptions that have brought us to this moment. The circumstances we are working within are as unique as the level of change we are here to create.

XRUK is guided by a determination to achieve its three demands, while acting in alignment with our principles and values. Our vision represents the future ahead, the ultimate destination that guides the journey. Our mission is the strategic steps we must take in the present to bring us closer to that future. 

Vision: A society transformed to be compassionate, inclusive, regenerative, equitable and deeply connected, and in which the impacts of the climate and nature crises are mitigated and humanity thrives in harmony with the natural world.

Mission: To spark and sustain a spirit of creative, nonviolent rebellion to disrupt and pressure the perpetrators of climate and ecological injustice and drive systemic change through equal participation in power.

2025 is a pivotal moment in the journey of Extinction Rebellion. We have been uncompromising in our voice because we carry a truth based in physics, not politics. There is opportunity in this moment to explore and define together what this means for us as a movement.

We want to celebrate the place that Extinction Rebellion UK holds within a greater ecology of movements. Hundreds of groups and thousands of people all using a diverse and beautiful range of tactics to create a better world. In this emergency we need a little bit of everyone, from everywhere. All actions matter. 

Last year the Strategy Team gave an update to the movement on the work it was doing, and now it is time to begin to share this with a wider audience. We have gone back to basics and unfolded our theories of change, delved into community bases of power (and how they already exist within our movement) . We have done research to learn how we can use our voice to forge the connections between everyday people and the climate and ecological emergency with a wider spectrum of support to build unrelenting pressure on the system. These are all vital ingredients for cultural momentum, the lever for transformational change. 

This is an invitation from XRUK to all rebels join us doing this work together.  A successful strategy is not only measured in words on a page but in how that is implemented and absorbed. Come back soon for more on how circles within XRUK are planning to turn this into reality!

Love and courage, XRUK Strategy Team

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