All we want for Christmas is… a climate number 1 hit!
December 17, 2023 by Extinction Rebellion
Guest post by Kimwei McCarthy (XR UK Programming/Relationships Circle)
“All I want for Christmas is a climate no. 1 hit” should surely be the cry on every activist’s lips this festive season. And, as luck would have it, 25 year old climate concerned singer-songwriter Louise Harris could be the answer to our call, with her powerful anthem ‘We Tried’ which has already reached UK iTunes No.1. It’s the very first time a song about climate change has been as popular as this and ‘We Tried’ is set to make a play for Christmas no.1 2023, with your help…
Support Louise Harris to give the UK and the world its first ever Christmas no.1 and you’ll be in good company, as the campaign is backed by Chris Packham, Brian Eno and many more. Why? Because a climate no.1 is the best way to keep climate change in the public’s mind this Christmas. The powerful music video shows the young activist and singer-songwriter breaking down in tears, against a montage of protest and footage of climate change and environmental breakdown and ends with a call to action – we can still act now to avoid complete catastrophe. Imagine that message going out to everyone this Christmas as ‘We Tried’ soars to no.1!
Music is unique amongst the arts because it comes with an inbuilt, democratic voting system in the form of The Charts. Let’s show the music industry that we, the consumer public, are putting climate change at the center this Christmas. Furthermore, I don’t think we should stop at Louise Harris. What if everyone who can afford it bought every climate single that comes out from now on? If you bought one per month, it wouldn’t even total £10 per year – an outstanding bang for buck in terms of Greening the Music Industry
What if every artist, from Music Declares’ Jarvis Cocker or Annie Lennox, to DIY independents like Louise Harris, could shoot straight to number one by releasing a climate song? Major record labels would be clamouring to sign environmental artists, sending the most important issue affecting humanity to the top of the charts. A complete U-turn on the current situation, in which musicians are afraid to write climate songs for fear that they will be canceled by the industry.
We are a British public who voted “Boaty McBoatface” and wrote “Jedi” on our census forms, showing that we are unusually skilled at collective armchair activism. So it’s time to get your thumbs out and onto your smartphones, and let’s give Louise Harris a chance at becoming Christmas no.1… just for starters…
Support Louise Harris to make it to Christmas no.1.
Find out more on how to support this campaign at climatenumber1.co.uk