Rebels are rising! November’s End of Month Action Day is bigger than ever
December 05, 2023 by Extinction Rebellion
Thousands of rebels and their national and local allies hit the streets across the UK on the last Saturday of November in more than 36 separate actions and events for a show of growing excitement, creativity and solidarity in the face of an accelerating climate crisis and criminal government inaction.

“Our End of Month Action Day was the biggest, boldest and most varied yet, and it came on top of another 159 XR actions in cities, towns and villages all over the country during November,” said Woody, of XR’s Action Circle.

“Rebels joined up with activists from scores of other local and national campaigns to send a clear message to those in power: we are getting bigger and more united by the week – you can’t ignore our demands to let the people decide their future together for much longer.”

There are already 105 actions planned across the country for December. “We’ve got an easy, DIY plan that will help every local XR group, big or small, to Rebel For Truth,” said Woody. “The government will hear us loud and clear this Christmas.”

For November’s Action Day, XR Brighton teamed up with allies from movements including Greenpeace UK and Parents For Future UK to spread the word about the urgency of the climate and ecological emergency to people in the city.

In London, XR groups returned to the iconic bridges across the Thames, that were the scenes for the movement’s emergence into the public consciousness. XR Hammersmith & Fulham took to Hammersmith Bridge, XR Wandsworth to Chelsea Bridge, and XR Lambeth & XR Lewisham gathered on Waterloo Bridge to raise the alarm about the capital’s illegal levels of air and river pollution.

In Hertfordshire, rebels from XR East Herts and XR North Herts informed crowds at Baldock EcoFest about the movement’s plans to use Citizens Assemblies to drive a transition to a better future.

In the Midlands, XR Midlands focused on the tragedy of biodiversity loss through climate change and ecosystem collapse by illuminating the streets with a Narnia-themed procession that showcased beavers as flood-prevention engineers.

Rebels in the area also staged protests outside local branches of Barclays and HSBC to spotlight the billions that banks continue to funnel into fossil fuel projects that threaten to spark runaway climate change and destroy our entire civilisation.

In the North-West, XR Didsbury staged a poignant die-in at Manchester Museum to mourn the climate-driven loss of UK animals, birds, and plants.

“You can feel the growing excitement and determination out there,” said Woody, of XR. “We’re expecting December to be even bigger and we’d encourage every rebel to get involved.”
Inspired and want to take action in your community next month? Check out the end of month actions checklist.
Be Loud. Be Creative. Be Visible.