Stop the hate action – Home Office, Marsham Street, London12 noon, Saturday 4 November 2023
November 05, 2023 by Extinction Rebellion
Suella Braverman’s talk of a ‘hurricane’ of refugees coming into Britain has crossed a line. Through divisive language and actions, Braverman, the Home Secretary and Conservative MP for Fareham, has united communities to take to the streets and demand she steps down immediately #BravermanOut.
A collective of movements and organisations is united in their demands to stop the promotion of hate on Britain’s streets and in our political offices including: the Peace and Justice Project, Drive 2 Survive, ASLEF, Care 4 Calais, Jewish Socialists’ Group, DPAC, Stand Up To Racism, Love Music Hate Racism, Homes For All UK, Queer Night Pride, Fossil Free Pride, Extinction Rebellion London, Citizenship is a Right Coalition, National Education Union, Black Lives Matter Croydon, PCS Union, GR8 Power, MENA Solidarity, and the Campaign Against Climate Change.
Social media: #refugeeswelcome
Website link: https://linktr.ee/stopbraverman
Press and image assets: Photos here (credits: Andrea Domenicone)
STOP THE HATE ACTION – Home Office, Marsham Street, London
12 noon, Saturday 4 November 2023
Suella Braverman’s talk of a ‘hurricane’ of refugees coming into Britain has crossed a line. Through divisive language and actions, Braverman, the Home Secretary and Conservative MP for Fareham, has united communities to take to the streets and demand she steps down immediately #BravermanOut.
A collective of movements and organisations is united in their demands to stop the promotion of hate on Britain’s streets and in our political offices including: the Peace and Justice Project, Drive 2 Survive, ASLEF, Care 4 Calais, Jewish Socialists’ Group, DPAC, Stand Up To Racism, Love Music Hate Racism, Homes For All UK, Queer Night Pride, Fossil Free Pride, Extinction Rebellion London, Citizenship is a Right Coalition, National Education Union, Black Lives Matter Croydon, PCS Union, GR8 Power, MENA Solidarity, and the Campaign Against Climate Change.
The demands of the protest include:
- Braverman steps down immediately from her position as Home Secretary #BravermanOut
- Incoming Home Secretary challenges injustice in the immigration and asylum system #RefugeesWelcome
The objective of the protest is to demonstrate unity and solidarity for refugees, and a collective demand to get #BravermanOut. It’s important to note individual groups will continue to have their own demands in addition to those highlighted above.
We have the Home Secretary using the language of the far right to attack the human rights of people fleeing the horrors of war, torture and modern slavery.
This hateful language is not based in reality. Last year, only 7% of Europe’s asylum seekers came to the UK. This idea that the UK has an asylum problem is pure fantasy. We have a proud history of offering people sanctuary, we have done so for Ukrainians so why do we have this hateful approach towards refugees from all other countries?
The Home Secretary says opponents of her policies are weaponising the label ‘racist’. Well as the saying goes – if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.
— Steve Smith, CEO at Care4Calais
The organisations, movements, charities and grassroots organisations committed to attending include:
Peace and Justice ProjectDrive 2 SurviveASLEFCare 4 CalaisJewish Socialists’ GroupDPACStand Up To RacismLove Music Hate RacismHomes For All UKQueer Night PrideFossil Free Pride | Extinction Rebellion LondonCitizenship is a Right CoalitionNational Education UnionBlack Lives Matter CroydonPCS UnionGR8 PowerMENA SolidarityCampaign Against Climate Change |
Why now? The government is facing legal action over a failure to provide free legal advice and representation through Legal Aid to people seeking asylum in the UK, there’s a significant increase in the number of evictions from Home Office asylum accommodation for those with refugee status and its expected to get much worse.
The government introduction of the Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts (“Policing”) Act (April 2022) actively aims to restrict the ability to protest and lowers the bar as to what’s classed as an offence.
Braverman’s voting record has the power to unify as she:
- Almost always voted for a stricter asylum system
- Generally voted against measures to prevent climate change
- Consistently voted for mass surveillance of people’s communications and activities
- Generally voted for stronger enforcement of immigration rules
- Consistently voted against laws to promote equality and human rights
- Almost always voted against a right to remain for EU nationals already in living in the UK
- Generally voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits
- Consistently voted against equal gay rights
- Voted against same sex marriage between two people
The protest assembled at The Home Office, Marsham Street, London, 12 noon, Saturday 4 November.
Speeches took place throughout the day. The event included live music, DJ sets, workshops and speakers.
Mark Serwotka, general secretary at PCS union says:
‘Suella Braverman and the Tories’ rhetoric on refugees and asylum seekers only serves to stir up hatred and division. We must unite to ensure people escaping oppression and torture in other countries are offered safe and legal access to claim asylum in the UK without resort to the dangerous Channel crossing and exploitation by people smuggling gangs.’
David Rosenberg from Jewish Socialists’ Group says:
‘As a grandchild of Jewish migrants and refugees from Eastern Europe fortunate to get into this country in the early 1900s, when Britain’s first Hostile Environment was being built, I stand in unity and total solidarity with all who face today’s even more draconian Hostile Environment towards refugees, and face the same barrage of hate from the media.
Politicians who promote these laws, and the newspaper publishers who spread hostility, have blood on their hands. No human being is illegal!
Our organisation fights for a world where everyone has the right to cross borders when they need to and when they wish to, and a world where no one feels they have to flee for their safety, freedom and human rights!
We are proud to be part of the protest actions at the Home Office on 4 November.’
Louise Regan, National Education Union Executive Member and chair of International Committee says:
‘The NEU has a long and proud history of standing in solidarity with refugees. We are completely opposed to the government’s current rhetoric. When Suella Braverman talked about a ‘hurricane’ of refugees coming into Britain she crossed a line.
This is the kind of language which stirs up hatred, fear and division. This language gives a green light to the racists and far right within our communities to attack those people who are entitled under international law to seek asylum in our country.
We have no trust in a government which seeks to divide us and which seeks to blame those seeking sanctuary here for the failings of this government.
The NEU urges all members to attend the protest in London and where they are not able to get to London to hold local events standing in solidarity with refugees.
The NEU is committed to supporting all those seeking sanctuary here and for the government to ensure there is safe passage for all refugees.’
Samuel Sweek from Peace & Justice Project says:
‘For over 13 years, the government has pushed through some of the most hateful, divisive and racist policies with the aim of dividing our communities and whip up fear to peddle their agenda.
But we are coming together, united against the murderous anti-refugee policies, racism, homophobia, transphobia and hate that Suella Braverman sows.
Our communities will not be divided — and we will never give up in our fight for a world of peace, social justice and sanctuary for all.’
Steff from Fossil Free Pride says:
‘The government are limiting our freedoms and purposely sowing division and hate. As queer people, we’re used to this and will stand united with migrants, Palestinians, protesters and all who face growing attacks from this government. We need a strong, dynamic movement that’s capable of fighting back and cutting through this mass conservative psychology. This means queer liberation goes hand-in-hand with the abolition of borders. Queer refugees and asylum seekers, like all refugees and asylum seekers, like all people, have a right to be here. They have a right to claim asylum. They have a right to freedom of movement.’
Alex Considine from Extinction Rebellion London says:
‘Climate breakdown will lead to hunger, water shortages, conflict and displacement of millions. Instead of waging culture wars on refugees and closing borders, the UK should take responsibility for the damage caused by its historical and ongoing contributions to climate change. New fossil fuel projects like the Rosebank oilfield in the North Sea will have catastrophic impacts on those who have done least to cause climate change and and are least protected from its effects. We need to stop the hateful rhetoric coming from Suella Braverman and take radical action on the climate and ecological crises.’
Samira Ali from Stand Up to Racism says:
‘As the Tories lurch ever to the right, Suella Bravermans two speeches in Washington and at Tory Party conference, have crossed a line. They saw her echoing the far right Great Replacement Theory and calling to rip up human rights conventions – rhetoric that gives confidence to the far right and fascists across Britain. It is time to unite anti-racists and all those who oppose the hateful rhetoric to say Braverman has to go. We will not sit back and watch Braverman’s speeches become the new normal. We will not give in to Tory lies, scapegoating and division. Refugees are welcome here.’
Alex Losardo from Love Music Hate Racism says:
‘Love Music Hate Racism brings communities together through the power of music. Our message is simple, there is more that unites us than divides us; and nothing demonstrates this more than music.’
Claire James, campaigns coordinator at Campaign Against Climate Change says:
‘Suella Braverman may consider meeting our international obligations to refugees as a ‘luxury belief’ or a sign of being ‘far too squeamish about being smeared as racist’. But this is one of the most basic requirements for a civilised country. In this age of climate breakdown, our only hope of averting catastrophe is through internationalism, compassion, and for rich nations to face up to their responsibilities, not shamefully evade them. A government that fails on every one of these is not fit for purpose.’
Social media: #refugeeswelcome