Extinction Rebellion launches its first UK-wide monthly Day of Action
September 29, 2023 by Extinction Rebellion
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Action pictures: https://t.me/joinchat/G3fKApk0OK4yMDA0
Archive picture link: https://show.pics.io/xr-global-media-breaking-news/search?collectionIds=65167fc06e8db754b49838ba
‘Our uprising to end all uprisings starts here’ Extinction Rebellion launch their first UK-wide monthly Day Of Action with their eyes on a decisive return to the streets of London.
Thousands of Extinction Rebellion activists hit the streets tomorrow (Saturday) in towns and cities all over the UK. Alongside a host of allies and partners, XR rebels are organising the first of a series of local and regional actions and events on the last Saturday of every month building relationships with communities, groups and organisations to Unite to Survive.
XR Southeast is organising a big festival in Brighton for their first end of the month action: “We have come together to host an uprising event,” says Sparrow, “where we have invited all rebels and partner and community groups to join us in a day of arts, creativity, music and workshops as we focus back into the power of mass mobilisation and non-violent direct action. In a weekend of upskiling, trainings and support, we will mobilise and together send a clear message that the fossil fuel era is over.”
“Now more than ever we need to unite together and become a force that cannot be ignored.”
Actions will be varied, from deliberating on solutions inside Bath Abbey, congregating outside the Duchy Of Cornwall’s offices in Cornwall to demand Prince William “Make Dartmoor Wild, Or Make It Ours!”, to a critical mass ‘Superhero’ Bike Ride through the streets of Edinburgh. There will be a people’s assembly on the climate emergency in York, block printing in Macclesfield and the XR samba band will be going along to the first ever Pride celebration in Shrewsbury. Coventry and Midlands XR groups are linking up with Tories for Nature amongst many other groups to tell the government and Severn Trent that we need Clean Rivers Now! Cambridge is holding a Code Red Rally to kick oil services company SLB (formerly known as Sclumberger) out of Cambridge University. And there is much, much more:
- Bank Scrubbers performance troupe take on the tough task of cleaning up Barclays Bank
- XR Peterborough holds the first of its monthly community gatherings
- A pop-up people’s assembly on climate and the environment in Stratford Upon Avon.
- Newark block printing workshop
- Talk and discussion about the climate crisis in Wellingborough
- Barclays Dirty Bank Die-in in Birmingham
Tyneside XR will be supporting XR For Health in an action outside Barclays in Newcastle. Anne from South Shields says: “I am a grandmother to three beautiful little ones. I’m taking part in this action to draw attention to the crisis that we’re in now – a government which is ignoring all the scientific evidence approving Rosebank and Barclays which is financing the fossil fuel companies which are destroying the planet. I won’t be a bystander.”
XR is a broad church, and these de-centralised actions and events perfectly exemplify the huge variety of people, interests, and struggles.
Catherine Bartlett of Lincoln, mother of two and currently a coordinator for XR’s media team, said:
“This is exactly what we want to demonstrate: we are all different, we all have different lives, challenges, needs. But we can still stand together as one. Each of the very different actions happening across the UK today has one intention at its core: to tell the local and UK politicians, business leaders and media owners that we and our allies will not sit back while they continue to destroy our futures. Their climate delay and disinformation is a terrifying danger to everyone alive today.”
The End Of Month Action days are designed to allow local and regional XR groups to build strong, authentic alliances with existing or new climate, environmental and social justice campaigns by creating and executing actions alongside them once a month.
This year Extinction Rebellion’s strategy stated that they would not trigger their next mass rebellion on the streets of London until it had built the movement of movements – kick-started by the Big One in April 2023, when 100,000 people from over 200 NGOs and campaign groups peacefully occupied the roads around Parliament for four days – into an unstoppable force for non-violent civil disobedience.
Marijn van de Geer, from the Citizens’ Assembly Working Group at Extinction Rebellion said:
“By allying with those who share our concerns about climate and environmental crimes and social injustices, we plan to build a huge interlinked movement of unprecedented numbers that will lead to a tipping point. The people want fair, long-term solutions, not from a Prime Minister who pretends to care, but from ordinary people who have taken part in a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice. This is only the first of many more coordinated monthly actions to come. We expect this to grow and for the pressure to build each month. It won’t be long until all of us return to the heart of power together and make Westminster listen to the people.”
About Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a decentralised, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
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Time has almost entirely run out to address the climate and ecological crisis which is upon us, including the sixth mass species extinction, global pollution, and increasingly rapid climate change. If urgent and radical action isn’t taken, we’re heading towards 4˚C warming, leading to societal collapse and mass loss of life. The younger generation, racially marginalised communities and the Global South are on the front-line. No-one will escape the devastating impacts.