Strategy Team Update: Areas of work
June 03, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion
The strategy team has identified four key areas of work to take forward over the coming weeks and months, and we wanted to tell you a bit about what we’re looking at for each of these areas.
In order to ensure that our work is well informed and serves the movement’s need for a strategy that gives us the best possible chance of driving the scale of change needed, the team is hearing from people in XR and those with movement building and change-making expertise outside XR.
These key areas of work have been identified with the intention of channeling help and resources into strategically significant work in the movement. Below is a summary of the work the strategy team is undertaking on behalf of XR UK and in service of moving closer to getting our demands met in 2022.
ONE: Rebellion Objectives
Through this strand of work we will work closely with Action Circle to explore:
- The most effective means of generating a dilemma for the state
- Duration as the second tactical priority after numbers – how to get people to stay and/or return day after day?
- XR UK strategic response to new policing tactics and laws
- The Immediate Demand – how best to double down and pressure for a win?
- The possibility for radically different protest or disobedience strategies and tactics
TWO: The Justice Conversation
Through this strand of work we will work closely with the breadth of people with expertise on justice and inclusion within XR and others outside our movement to:
- Build a process of genuine dialogue within XR UK on issues of justice. Read more about this work here: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/2022/06/02/strategy-team-update-justice-in-xr/
- Explore and consider possible radical new approaches to inclusion
THREE: Movement Strength and Structure
Through this strand of work we will work closely with Operations Circle and others to explore:
- How we strengthen our movement culture and grow understanding of XR DNA across the movement
- Understand and assist with strategic approaches to integration
- Understand and work to help improve XR UK internal communications
- Money, specifically looking at:
- Strategic finance
- Fundraising
- How we manage money as a movement
- XR structures, including:
- Mapping the movement
- Revitalising the SOS and empowering XR UK circles to self-reform and restructure
- Helping to resolve areas of overlap where work is being duplicated
- Consider possible structural changes
FOUR: Expanding the Audience
Through this strand of work we will work closely with the Media and Messaging Team, Project 3.5 and other groups working in the areas of outreach and mobilisation to explore:
- Bolstering existing mobilisation approaches
- Considering possible radical new mobilisation approaches
- Promoting the work of Project 3.5 in XR UK and facilitating XR Local Group participation in strategic outreach
- Understanding and optimising pathways into XR UK (specifically as they relate to our communications via press, email, social media and at the Local Group level)
- Strategic messaging work to lower barriers to entry into XR and expand the audience engaging with the movement
- Carrying out analysis of trends in public opinion, responses to climate and other crises and to XR itself
- Considering possible radical new messaging frameworks
Love from the strategy team xxx
Read the XR UK 2022 Strategy here: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/2022/01/23/xr-uk-strategy-2022/