XR 2020 Strategy – Power : Together
February 12, 2020 by Extinction Rebellion
The world has changed significantly since Extinction Rebellion launched just over a year ago. Inspired by activists around the world, arm in arm with other movements, thousands of people from all walks of life have been part of this change; united by courage and purpose and an itch for rebellion.
World leaders, although finally admitting we are in a crisis, are yet to offer the real solutions we need. They are not brave enough to face what’s asked of them.
This is their own story of inevitable failure; it doesn’t have to be ours.
In 2019 we demanded change. In 2020 we begin building the alternative.
Read the XR 2020 Strategy here
The 2020 strategy is an expression of voices from across our movement, from communities and experts.
Key goals:
- People Power – Bring a million people in the UK into active support and ensure 50% of the nation see the Climate & Ecological Emergency as their top priority.
- Vision – We won’t wait for our demands to be met, we will begin to enact them, piloting new participatory systems in democracy, media and economics.
- Movement of Movements – Grow our connection to, and understanding of, wider movements for change, building stronger relationships, co-creating new stories and visions for the future.
- Inner Strength – Improve internal systems, caring for our Rebels, building our regenerative cultures, adhering to our Principles and Values. We will learn by doing, teach by showing. We will live the change.
This is a guiding light, rather than detailed instructions, for rebels and working groups across regional and national groups to employ their own knowledge, creativity and passion to deliver a diverse, regenerative, and decentralised rebellion.
This is the year our rebellion goes beyond the streets and into the fabric of everything we do.
Come be the change the government and corporations are refusing to make:
Find your local group and get involved here
Support the Rebellion and donate here
Join a UK Working Group here
Build the movement with the Mass Mobilisation team here
Check out our new video series on our Mass Mobilisation methods
Visit our Future Democracy hub