Rebellion Needs (UK)
October 06, 2019 by Rebel Writers
This Rebellion needs all hands on deck.
ACTION SCHEDULE – Thursday and Friday
XR Professionals
THURSDAY: 5.30pm
@ Trafalgar Sq
Please come and join protesting professionals in your work attire / with a white sash / a placard stating your profession / job/ vocation / caregiving role.
Also in Trafalgar Square…
Performance Art: Human Connection
? 5.30pm
? Trafalgar Square
A mass human performance art to demonstrate the power of human connection through Reconciliation*
In this moment of intensity, may we come together to remember our humanity and unite in togetherness.
This is not a demonstration but a defiant act of what it is to be human, to be willing to put aside our differences and drop everything we hold onto against others in order to unite under the cause of climate justice.
This is an opportunity for people of all and no genders to come together to let go of external pain and projection so that we can come back to a place of internal peace, centredness and empowerment.
:?♀Critical Mass Bike Ride?♂
?THURSDAY 5.30pm meet
? Serpentine, Hyde Park, for 6PM
Route currently unknown… But promises of fun cycling round London! Bring flags, speakers, colourful stuff and make yourselves known if you can bring a cargo bike/ carry supplies or a PA!
?♀Mass Meditation: United in Rebellion?♂
? 7pm Today
? Trafalgar Square
A coming together of hearts and an opportunity to practice healing, grounding and restorative practices of different faiths from around the world. With a unique line-up of faith leaders we will take a critical moment to pause and reconnect with sacred nature and the joy of life. Please bring a candle and a lantern or jar. 😕 https://www.facebook.com/events/450958395777333
??Nonviolence and Deescalation Training!!??
10:00-11:30 am tomorrow – Friday
St John’s Church, Waterloo
??XR Red-Handed Rebellion??
:alarm_clock: FRIDAY: 12 noon – 1:30pm
? Meet at Whitehall Gardens, William Tyndale statue
We are asking the government: ‘WHAT IS YOUR PLAN for the Climate and Ecological Emergency?’
We deliver our Emergency People’s Speech to those who have the power to act.
Together we will march in a solemn, unified and peaceful procession through Westminster and enact our Red-Handed Rebellion…
Come to a briefing tomorrow to find out more!
? Thurs 12pm at Marble Arch (next to Banksy Rebellion piece)
? Thurs 4.30pm Russell Square
Rebels wanting to get a little more deeply involved, email – redhandedrebellion@gmail.com
Lost property call out
The great news is that we managed to rescue a lot of people’s kit from our sites as they were cleared. The even greater news is that we would love your help to sort through it!
If you can spare an hour or two, please call: 07449 329537
Our amazing rebels have put themselves on the line and are being held in stations across London. Can you greet them on release and help them to a safe space?
Show your support by joining these station WhatsApp groups at www.tinyurl.com/pssmap or call the police station coordinator 07933679092. Come spread some love!
And don’t forget, if you witness an arrest on the street, always report it using www.arrestwatch.info
Make your arrest log as helpful as possible by reading our guidance, here: https://tinyurl.com/XR-ASDetails
Complain to the BBC
The BBC have said that if enough people call in to complain about their lack of coverage they will report on XR action. Please ask friends and family to call in to BBC now and make that complaint.
Fill in a complaints form about the BBC’s editorial policy here: https://ssl.bbc.co.uk/complaints/forms/?lang=en&reset=&uid=129766918
OR, if you prefer to use a phone, the number is 03700 100 222. There is a 01/02 geographic charge and you get to leave a recorded message.
Go rebels, and get your friends and family on it too!
Vauxhall – Regulations and Donations
No drumming or loud noises on our site please. It scares the horses at nearby City Farm, who are kindly offering us water and access to their toilets. City Farm need donations to keep running, so please show them some love for their amazing hospitality. Donate now!
Buildings have been offered by local communities especially for rebels to dry off, recharge yourselves and have a restful night’s sleep. We highly recommend tonight and going forward you use these spaces in preparation for the coming actions. Please see here for opening times:
We also have lots of rebel hosts who are prepared to host you. Please apply ASAP to be hosted so that we can match you for the coming week:
Rest well!
Based on only 1 reported incident, we want to make clear that physical or verbal violence of any kind is outside of XR principles. If you see anything like this, or anyone claims it’s somehow been sanctioned by XR or XR actions, this is not true!
No one from XR sanctions violence.
If you witness any violence from rebels please find Deescalators, wearing white bibs, to help calm the situation
In this time of ecological emergency, we act boldly because it is both our moral duty to protect life and also our sanctioned civil duty.
It is enshrined in the law that those who act out of necessity to protect others (e.g breaking down the door of burning buildings to save those inside) are not breaking the law.
To act according to the TRUTH means disrupting business as usual to prevent a greater crime – the destruction of our ecosystems. For some, this means sitting in the road and for others it might mean disrupting major infrastructure such as buildings, tubes, motorways and airports ️
Small groups of people can create an incredible amount of disruption which more closely focuses the public’s attention on an issue because they are actually affected by it.
To build pressure on the Government, we need more brave rebels who are up for high levels of disruption, those who are willing to risk short periods in prison and even prison sentences. We have a fantastic team to support rebels on this path.
If you are interested in this, please sign up, view the resources and next steps here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/contemplating-prison-sign-up
Regardless of which level of civil disobedience you undertake, every rebel is respected for their role within the rebellion. It is with our ferocious love and dedication that we can turn this system around.
In service, Prison Liaison Team, xr.prisonliaison@protonmail.com
Use the links below to make sure your energy is focused where it will have the greatest impact.
Find out more about the roles and training available here: https://rebellionroles.earth/
AND, sign up to our Rebellion Bot on Telegram to receive updates on roles at the London sites: @xruk_rebellion_bot
Volunteering has no minimum time, even 1-2 hours makes a difference!
Listen live to all the Rebellion’s latest updates, interviews and events on Rebel Radio, hosted by Soho Radio and streaming here now!
London rebels, email ukrebellionneeds@protonmail.com with your site’s need, and we’ll pop it up.