Upgrade Democracy - Extinction Rebellion UK

Upgrade Democracy

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Upgrade Democracy will unite thousands in a peaceful, creative protest demanding urgent climate action and democratic reform through a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.

Our occupation at Windsor will not be targeting a person, it will target the system. A system where money and power is concentrated in the hands of a few. Powerful business interests have corrupted our politics and media, causing denial and delay. And as the planet burns the obscene profits of oil and gas companies keep on rolling in.

Over three days we will take part together in actions and activities that highlight the inequality and injustice we face, and paint a picture of the world we want to see. This will be through outreach, art, creativity, community and more.

How do I get involved?

This depends on what you are comfortable doing. You can visit for the day, take action from home or come and camp for 2 nights. Learn more about the weekend by reading the Rebel Toolkit.

Come to the ‘Roles Fayre’ Zoom call on Aug 4th to find out about volunteering for a specific role. More information and registration links to this and also other more specialised training sessions.

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Q. Yeah but where is it?

10-15 minutes walk from Windsor and Eton Central or Windsor and Eton Riverside train stations. More details of the exact location will be revealed soon.

Q. Why Windsor?

So why camp out on the King’s lawn for three days from 30th August?

Simple answer; our system is outdated and broken at every level. The monarchy is just one example of unelected power, wealth and influence. 

By gathering thousands at this symbolic site near where the Magna Carta was signed, we show our commitment to a fairer, more inclusive system.

Read more information about the background and aims here.

Q. What is the aim?

To put the words Upgrade Democracy and our 3rd demand for Citizens’ Assemblies onto the front page of the tabloids and the evening news. This is an XR action to target our broken system.

Q. Can I help promote this?

Yes please do. You can tell your friends/family by clicking on this message and sending on WhatsApp. Also there is a Facebook event, a post to retweet if you use Twitter/X or this reel on Instagram.

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