protest Archives - Extinction Rebellion UK


‘Climate lie factory that poisons democracy’ occupied by Extinction Rebellion

Extinction Rebellion activists are occupying the central London offices of Policy Exchange, a climate crisis denial lobbyist funded by fossil fuel crooks that pretends to be a think tank. The protestors entered Policy Exchange’s notorious Westminster offices this morning (29 July) to demand an end to a campaign of lies and disinformation that has slowed climate action and led directly to long jail sentences for activists.

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‘Stop insuring new fossil fuels – or face direct action’

The UK’s top insurers were forced to face up to their lethal role in climate breakdown at their annual awards ceremony last night (Wednesday 3 July)) as Extinction Rebellion launched Insure Our Survival, a sustained campaign of nonviolent direct action demanding the insurance industry pull the plug on new oil, gas and coal ventures. 

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Restore Nature Now! Activists and environmental groups come together for largest march for nature ever seen

Email:  Phone: +44(0)7756136396  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | Donate Media Assets – Will be coming through once march gets underway, roughly 14:00 Direct action groups and major nature charities stand side by side to demand immediate action to restore nature. Activists from Extinction Rebellion…

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Extinction Rebellion blockades Lloyds of London

Dramatic scenes have engulfed the nerve centre of the UK’s insurance industry as hundreds of Extinction Rebellion activists formed a Blockade For Life around the entire Lloyds of London building. XR’s 800-strong Carbon Bomb Defusal Squad are linking hands to form a 300m-long human chain around the iconic building, allowing staff to leave the building in the City of London but refusing to allow anyone to enter or re-enter.

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Greta Thunberg: We won’t let the rich sacrifice people and planet for their extreme lifestyles

Climate activist Greta Thunberg joined local residents, Extinction Rebellion activists and climate change campaigners outside Farnborough Airport today (27 January) to protest against plans to increase private jet flights from 50,000 to 70,000 a year. The protesters are also calling for a total ban on private jets, which are up to 30 times more polluting than passenger airliners.

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This Sunday: Extinction Rebellion protests to disrupt London Fashion Week with ‘swarming’ roadblocks

Email: Phone: +44(0)7878535968 / +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7760280443 / +44(0)7479234522 Website: Facebook: Twitter:; #extinctionrebellion #disruptfashion #rebelforlife Instagram:…

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