oil Archives - Extinction Rebellion UK


Supreme Court ruling this week could end all new UK fossil fuel projects

The Supreme Court will rule this Thursday (20 June) on a case brought by climate activist Sarah Finch which, if successful, will see major restrictions placed on all new fossil fuel projects across England and Wales, including the proposed new coal mine in Cumbria and development of the Rosebank oil field in the North Sea.

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Today 9.30am London: Filmmaker Jack Harries among nine Extinction Rebellion protestors in court for criminal damage during oil protest

Email: press@risingup.org.uk Phone: +44(0)7804743058 /  +44 (0)7760280443 / +44(0)7986671716 / +44(0)7479234522 Website: www.rebellion.earth Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExtinctionRebellion/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExtinctionR; #extinctionrebellion #rebelforlife #IPWeek #Petroleum9 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/extinctionrebellion/ Photos/videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m1v7Cs8JFkDM1gHp45OF-NwwhLzPZJO8 Climate Factsheet for Rebels: https://rebellion.earth/the-climate-factsheet-for-rebels/ Today 9.30am London: Filmmaker Jack Harries among nine Extinction…

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