Cut The Ties Archives - Extinction Rebellion UK

Cut The Ties

Extinction Rebellion tells PR company Edelman to #TellTheTruth about fossil fuel ties

Email: Phone: +44(0)7756136396 Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Media Assets | Donate #21April #UniteToSurvive #TellTheTruth #CutTheTies #ExtinctionRebellion Extinction Rebellion (XR) targeted Edelman, the world’s largest PR agency, at its UK offices in London today to call out greenwashing and deliver a message loud and clear…

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Extinction Rebellion disrupts pipeline engineer’s offices to demand East African Crude Oil Pipeline boycott

At 08:30 this morning, Extinction Rebellion disrupted the offices of petro-engineering multinational firm Worley in Brentford, Middlesex, demanding they drop their client EACOP. Worley will be laying the controversial 900-mile cross-border East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), which is set to displace over 100,000 people, harm the natural environment and increase CO2 emissions by 34 million tonnes a year.

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