climate justice Archives - Extinction Rebellion UK

climate justice

“Stop the New Scramble for Africa!”

>> Photos of the protest at the Africa Energies Summit Extinction Rebellion and allies protest at global energy conference as fossil fuel crooks gather in London to plan the plunder of Africa’s oil and gas resources Fossil fuel bosses and government officials from the UK and countries across Africa were confronted by scores of…

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House of Commons lobby targeted by Extinction Rebellion to protest against UK’s role in violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo

What are the dangerous and shadowy links between the UK Government’s Rwanda flights and a heartbreaking war over resources in Africa that is also fuelling the climate crisis and destroying vital ecosystems? Today Extinction Rebellion activists answered that complex question as they staged a protest in the House of Commons pretending to hold guns to their heads and unfurling a banner saying: ‘STOP FUNDING RWANDA WAR IN D.R. CONGO.’

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XR UK on COP 28: ‘Our hopes were low – but COP went lower’

We never had high hopes for COP 28. So we are sadly unsurprised at the wholly inadequate outcome of the conference now that it’s done. According to the delegates, and most notably the oil tycoon Sultan Al Jaber, the world will ‘transition away’ from fossil fuels in energy systems. But who is…

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Extinction Rebellion disrupts pipeline engineer’s offices to demand East African Crude Oil Pipeline boycott

At 08:30 this morning, Extinction Rebellion disrupted the offices of petro-engineering multinational firm Worley in Brentford, Middlesex, demanding they drop their client EACOP. Worley will be laying the controversial 900-mile cross-border East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), which is set to displace over 100,000 people, harm the natural environment and increase CO2 emissions by 34 million tonnes a year.

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Environmental Justice Commission invites citizens to the table

From its very beginning Extinction Rebellion’s Third Demand for a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice has called for the voices of citizens, people with different life experiences, to be party to decision making. Having brought it to the forefront, many have joined this call to revive democracy. A call…

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