Massembly - Extinction Rebellion UK


Saturday 31st August, 14:30-17:30

How to take part

  • In person: Start gathering at 14:00 at the North side of the Long Walk, Windsor.

What is the Massembly?

A giant community assembly, a mass assembly: the Massembly!

As part of Upgrade Democracy, we are organising what we hope will become the UK’s largest-ever community assembly! We’ll be asking the question:

“How might we take meaningful steps to Upgrade Democracy?”

In small groups, you will explore alternative ways of doing democracy together, as we strive for a fairer and more inclusive system.

How will it work?

We’ll form dozens of small groups of six and introduce ourselves.

Each group will receive a pack of instruction cards to take your through the process step by step. You will also receive information cards describing the various forms of democratic processes which you will be discussing in your group.

Each group will nominate a facilitator (who will be supported by the instruction cards). You’ll also nominate a note taker and time keeper.

One person then submits the group’s best three ideas to an online tool called allowing everyone taking part in the assembly to vote on these ideas.

The Massembly will also be taking place online, and there will be more sessions of the Massembly over the weeks to come. All the ideas will be voted on using, so we will start seeing trends of which ideas are the most popular. We will be using this as a roadmap towards a system that is fair and for everyone.

What should I bring or prepare?

You can bring a pen or pencil and some paper or some other means of taking notes (not essential) and a smartphone (not essential, provided there are at least three within each group).

You might like to bring along a fold out chair to sit on, if sitting on the ground is not possible or not comfortable for you.

If you like, you can have a read of the information cards before hand – these are the cards with information about the different kinds of democracy or political systems we are already seeing around the world.

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