Former UK police officers share their views on XR and the climate crisis
Why did a police officer get himself arrested? And what do the police really think about Extinction Rebellion? Film by @RubberRepublic…
Read full postWhy did a police officer get himself arrested? And what do the police really think about Extinction Rebellion? Film by @RubberRepublic…
Read full postBadass Grandpa Strikes Back! Phil Kingston (now 83) engages in high stakes protesting on behalf of the planet’s future, armed with just a peanut butter sandwich. Film by @RubberRepublic.
Read full postwith Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot…
Read full postIn the UK, Extinction Rebellion’s third demand is that government must create and be led by the decisions of a citizens’ assembly on climate and ecological justice.
Read full postEdited by Lindford Lowe…
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