[video] XR Mainstream Media

Sky News | 21 August 2020
‘The Troublemaker’ Roger Hallam is interviewed about a new film documenting Extinction Rebellion’s global protests.
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Boris Johnson comments on Extinction Rebellion’s upcoming September protests | LBC Radio
Excerpt from Nick Ferrari’s LBC show, 03 July 2020. Original here.
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Cambridge University Debate Excerpt | Climate Change & Coronavirus
Roger Hallam contributes to a live Cambridge Union online debate with Lord Martin Rees (British scientist) Will Wilkinson (American writer) and Alice Hill (American policy-maker and academic) Recorded live on the 19 June 2020…
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Inside Extinction Rebellion | KEO films
In 2019, Keo Films’ Tom Beard, Director, and Alice Henley, Producer, began following Extinction Rebellion in the run up to last year’s October Rebellion, with intimate access to our headquarters (and thoughts) both before, during and after the two-week London protests.
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Extinction Rebellion ‘faces a concerted effort to discredit it…’
BBC Radio 4 | 6 February 2020…
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