G7 Arrestee Support Privacy Notice - Extinction Rebellion UK

We may obtain contact details, names, and other information and identifiers about protestors, members of the public and the police present at protests in order to:

  • enable us to contact anyone arrested to offer advice and support.
  • help make sure that protesters, who are subject to police action or violence, have access to evidence that may be of value to defend their rights to protest, take action against the police and support their defence.

The personal data involved may be provided by the individual or provided by legal observers or others present at a protest from their personal observation, or it may be from other publicly accessible resources (like social and other media).

We also process personal data in the form of:

  • name and contact information for those people who continue to support XR UK to enable us to keep in touch.
  • names, phone numbers, and email addresses and any other personal information provided by people contacting us by email or over the phone.

This processing is either on the basis of consent, our legitimate interests and activities as a movement in supporting individual protesters, or to assist in the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Who we might share your personal data with

Where appropriate, we may share personal data in the following ways:

  • with solicitors representing protesters.
  • with protesters representing themselves.
  • with individuals supporting protesters at police stations.
  • with other groups, like Green and Black Cross, offering support to protesters.

Where possible, we endeavour to ensure there is consent to the sharing of personal data from the key protester (e.g. the arrestee) but, in some cases, the sharing of relevant personal information about the arrestee or about other people present at the protest is based on one of the other justifications set out above.

Safeguarding your personal data

We ensure that all personal data is subject to access controls, and is stored on secure, encrypted servers. We will only process personal data outside of the EU where we are sure there is an adequate level of protection or there are appropriate safeguards in place. We use pseudonymisation when sharing personal data, where appropriate.

How long we keep your personal data

We will only keep this data for as long as is necessary  for the purposes described above. Subscribers to mailing lists can unsubscribe at any time by visiting their subscription page. 

Your rights as a data subject

You have the following rights: to be informed how your data is processed, to gain access to your personal data, to have errors or inaccuracies corrected, to have your personal data erased in some limited circumstances, to object to the processing when the processing is based on the public interest or other legitimate interests, to restrict the processing of your personal data in limited circumstances, and to obtain a copy of some of your data in a commonly used electronic form in some limited circumstances. You have the right to complain to the ICO about the way in which we process your personal data. Please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office for further information: website www.ico.org.uk. If you wish to exercise any right, or for any queries you may have, or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact us at dataprotection@rebellion.earth.  Details about XR (UK) are available on our website.

This privacy notice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence, and has been derived from the original by Green and Black Cross.

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