Insure Our Survival - Extinction Rebellion UK

Insure Our Survival

Climate activists, insurance professionals and anyone who cares about our planet – join the Extinction Rebellion campaign to Insure Our Survival. 

XR is working toward a greener future that benefits everyone, and insurance has a key role to play.

Contact our confidential Insurance Climate Hero Hotline:

What’s the weak spot in the fossil fuel death star?

Insurance. Without insurance the oil, gas and coal criminals can’t afford to dig and drill for the oily products cooking our planet.

Extinction Rebellion’s Insure Our Survival campaign is pouring direct action pressure on insurers to stop insuring all new fossil fuel projects. Thousands of us took to the streets for powerful weeks of action in London, across the UK, and across the world in February and October 2024 and January 2025.

And it’s working. Giant insurers Zurich and leading underwriters Probitas announced they were pulling out of new oil and gas. Insiders tell us our huge nonviolent campaign has sparked major concerns and conversations about the need to change in many insurance board rooms.

What now?

Actions against insuring fossil fuels are still happening every week across the UK. In 2025, Insure Our Survival steps it up with big, bold, new plans and tactics to demand insurers pull the plug on the fossil fuel industry.

And we need you!

How can you continue to get involved?

Contact us here to say that you want to be part of something big:

Join our Telegram group to stay on top of updates:

Watch this space for details of the exciting next stage of the campaign – and how to get involved.


Q. Can you tell me more about Insure Our Survival’s strategy?

You can find a detailed explanation of campaign thinking and strategy here: Insure our Survival Strategy

Q. How can my local group get involved?

XR local groups are planning local actions alongside the London-based actions – a list of XR groups is growing. Contact if you want to be part of this.

You can get involved at any time and we’ve got the tools to help you make it happen. Everything you need including action flatpacks and plans is here.

From key campaign demands, messages, suggested banners and slogans to media guidance, support and social media hashtags, the Extinction Rebellion Insure Our Survival messaging and design pack has you covered.

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