Dirty Water - Extinction Rebellion UK

Dirty Water

Wave 6

Surfing previous waves, we’ve launched Wave 6 of the Dirty Water campaign. Find the highlights below. Check out the full action pack for resources, guidance, flyers, info sheets and more.

Don’t Pay for Dirty Water

The Don’t Pay for Dirty Water campaign is a wastewater bill boycott. We can all legally withhold payment of the sewerage charge portion of our bills until the UK government and water companies stop poisoning and start cleaning up coasts and waterways across the UK. If you are sick of sewage destroying ecosystems, join thousands taking a stand and making the polluters pay, all around the country.

Engage your community

Community Assemblies are a brilliant way to get people talking about the issues that matter to them and deciding – together – on what to do next. Start one in your community! We’ve got suggested topics, how to’s, resources and connections to support your Community Assembly in the action pack.

Create your own Dirty Water crime scene

Create a crime scene to call out criminal acts against nature committed by water companies. With humour, creativity and unity we can expose their poisonous lies. Truth is the antidote. Find all the information you need in XR’s action pack.

Questions? Email us on dirtywatercampaign@proton.me

Get involved

If you’re an XR local group and want to get involved, check out Wave 6 Action Pack below. If you’re in a group passionate about addressing the issue of water pollution, we recommend you find out more and/or use the resources and links below.

Here is a video of the local XR group in Dawlish and their protest in August 2023 against the ongoing pollution of our rivers and coastal waters. Let us know if you have a video of your action and we might feature yours here too. dirtywatercampaign@proton.me


Dirty Water Wave 6 Action Pack (PDF) Order Form for Goodies! How does water regulation work in the UK? Sewage Pollution Alerts (Surfers Against Sewage Website) Rescuing Britain’s Rivers (River Action Charity Website)

Stay in Touch

Sign Up for Dirty Water News

Dirty Water email: dirtywatercampaign@proton.me

Join the Dirty Water Broadcast (on Telegram) for regular updates

Help us fight for cleaner water

We print and deliver flyers, banners, posters and stickers to Dirty Water action groups all over the UK. Please help us raise money for print materials and shipping costs so they can continue pushing for cleaner water everywhere. 

Anything you give, small or large will only and directly be used to push for cleaner water through the Dirty Water campaign.

Donate here.

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