Unite to survive: List of supporters for The Big One grows even Bigger!
April 03, 2023 by Extinction Rebellion
A new wave of organisations have confirmed their support for The Big One in Westminster on 21-24 April.
More groups are signing up to come to The Big One everyday, the latest supporters include:
War on Want, Palestine Action, Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), Tearfund, Quakers in Britain, RePlanet UK, Pesticide Action Network UK, Women of Colour Global Strike, Business Declares, Music Declares Emergency, Parents For Future, BioFuel Watch, Women Against Rape, Eco Warriorz, The Green Runners, Debt for Climate, London Mining Network, Association of Clinical Psychologists, Landworkers Alliance, Homes for All, End Fossil, Don’t Pay UK, and more!
Fuel Poverty Action, who will be attending The Big One, said:
“Fuel Poverty Action is supporting The Big One because we know collective action is essential to winning a just energy system for all. This government is in the pockets of big polluters, we’re the second largest oil producers in Europe but 7.5 million people are living in fuel poverty. It’s time to put power back in the hands of the people to deliver real solutions.”
Visit our supporters page to find out who else is coming.
The organisations coming to The Big One all have their own aims and goals but are coming together to unite to survive. The growing list of organisations reflects the growing discontent at the government’s unwillingness to act, not only on the climate and ecological emergency, but also its inability to act in the best interests of its citizens everywhere. The age-old struggle for the inclusion of all in our collective decision making is taking on a new urgency as we experience the first weather related disasters and food shortages here in the UK, as well as mass impoverishment and the breakdown of our health and social services.
“We have seen now in various citizens’ assemblies that have taken place all over the world, including here in the UK, that people really do care about the climate, nature, and their communities. Time and again, people are recommending action and strong leadership from our government. And every time we are being let down. It is no surprise that more and more people are demanding to have a real say in the decisions that affect our lives. Citizen-led democracy will enable brave, strong action that our politicians are just unable to take.”
Marijn van de Geer, Citizens’ Assembly Working Group for Extinction Rebellion.
The Big One will be a pivotal point in history where we show corrupt politicians that we will not stand idly by while they wreck our society, our ecosystems and our democracy.
Have you signed up for The Big One yet? Come and be counted | Can’t attend in person? Consider making a donation to support!
Updates on plans for The Big One
Peoples Picket
Momentum for April is building and so are the plans for the four days. On Friday 21st and Monday 24th April a host of people’s pickets will be set at all main government departments in Westminster. The pickets will show the UK Government and the world just how many issues there are that people are campaigning for. The people are ready to put in the work to create the change needed, yet the government is lagging behind. Groups including local and national organisations such as Global Justice Now, Stop Rosebank / Fossil Free London, Don’t Pay UK, Debt for Climate, and many more will go to picket at a department of their choice to present ideas, share thoughts and experiences with each other, and show the government that the solutions are available, so why aren’t they getting on with it? Connections will be forged between the organisations, as well as with the civil servants at the various departments. Over 4,000 people have already signed up to join the people’s pickets. These will be open spaces and anyone is welcome to join.
Earth Day
22 April is Earth Day and there will be a march, rally and assembly to honour and respect species endangered by the global ecological crisis. More than 50 years after the first Earth Day, our natural world is in crisis. About 1 million animal and plant species are on track to become extinct if we don’t act fast. The entire day will be dedicated to nature, biodiversity, and the urgent need to protect, restore and renew our biosphere.
Global justice
Sunday 23 April will focus on the desperate need for global justice, reparations, and solidarity with activists on the front line in the Global South. Each day will host people’s assemblies to explore how all groups will work together beyond April, how we will support each other, and build a plan for how to tackle the crises we face when it is clear the government will not. After the talks, workshops and other activities, people attending The Big One will come together to form a ring around Parliament, showing solidarity and cohesion with those fighting for justice all over the world.