XR Jews Statement on Roger Hallam’s Comments in Die Zeit
November 21, 2019 by Extinction Rebellion
The words that we use are important. Anyone invoking the Holocaust to make a point should remember that citing a minority’s experience of genocide will always make its survivors feel vulnerable. No-one should talk about a people’s traumatic history in a throwaway manner, even if the point is to raise awareness about a deadly serious issue. In doing so, they may embolden those who already threaten that community.
XR Jews has been a strong and vibrant part of Extinction Rebellion over the past year. We have been welcomed with support and respect by fellow rebels of all faiths and none, and we will proudly continue to be a part of this rebellion, in solidarity with people around the world who are already impacted by the climate crisis. We cannot stand by doing nothing while millions of people are in danger. If not now, when?