OCTOBER 14-16 – Join the Weekend of Resistance
September 29, 2022 by Extinction Rebellion
We are working on a plan that sees Extinction Rebellion growing in numbers and building momentum towards Spring 2023. On October 14-16 will be the next step in that journey. We will come together in London for a long weekend of action, outreach, music, talks and trainings, and loads more.
The plans are as follows:
October 14 – Action at Downing Street
October will be a month of mass disruption from a cross section of movements and on October 14th Extinction Rebellion will take the action to Downing Street. Meet at Trafalgar Square at 12pm and stand with thousands of others to show this corrupt, unelected government that we refuse to be pushed around.
We will stay there together until 6pm, irrespective of the police response.
BRING your energy bills! Bring your messages of hope, love and rage against spiralling costs and the destruction of the planet!
Let us know you’re coming here.
This action hinges on a group agreement. Please read the drop down menu below.
- Action Agreement
Today we stand together to show this corrupt, unelected government that we refuse to be pushed around. Because we can’t afford this anymore.
This action is about exercising the right to protest and by joining we agree to stay until 6pm, irrespective of the police response. If the police refuse to let us march to Downing Street, we will take our action to the nearest possible location.
If the police impose conditions or start making arrests, let’s take courage from each other and stand our ground. If I find myself at imminent risk of arrest and I’m not prepared to be, then I will move to the nearest place within the action where the risk of arrest is reduced.
Together we have the power. We manifest that power by staying at Downing Street until a time chosen by us. We agree to stay until 6pm.
“We” includes me.
We will take part in this action as a collective, each part of that collective committing to stay and support one another.
We stand, sit or strike in solidarity with everyone struggling under this corrupt government.
We choose to stay to show our resilience until 6pm, whether the police facilitate this or not.
We refuse to be bystanders while a selfish few profit from the destruction of our world.
It’s not about getting arrested, it’s about not doing what they tell us to do. An obedient population teaches power what it can get away with. By choosing not to move when they tell us to move, we withhold consent for the harm they do in our names.
“We” includes me.
Stand together. Choose to stay. Refuse injustice.
By joining this action we agree to the above.
Let us know you’re coming here.
- Accommodation Help
Are you travelling to London for 14-16 October and in need of accommodation?
Campsite The campsite is happening! Thur 13 Oct 12.00 – Mon 17 Oct 12.00. Register via email, including the number of people and tents in your group: scamp2022@protonmail.com
Join the Campsite Telegram chat.
Location with good transport links to central London – details available soon. If you are arriving on 13th please help with camp set up if possible – we are all crew!
Indoor Accommodation There is still space available in shared hall accommodation. Register interest asap. The Indoor Accommodation chat is available for further information and questions.
🏨 Human Hotel
An alternative accommodation option.All accommodation options potentially available 13-16 October.
Accessibility: email the Disabled Rebels Network with questions or support requests:
xr.inclusion@protonmail.com❤️ Love, Rage and Rest
- Travel Subsidy
To enable as many rebels as possible to take action, XRUK will be providing transport subsidies to partially cover the cost of UK travel to and within London.
🛵 For further details of this scheme and to make your claim, please refer to the Transport Subsidy Form:
https://xrb.link/T3yAb91K❤️ We’re trusting rebels to use this scheme with integrity.
- Financial Support for Marginalised Individuals
🔔 The XRUK Justice Steering Group has some funds that may enable marginalised rebels to participate in the 14-16 October Weekend of Resistance.
If you are a marginalised rebel AND finance is a barrier to involvement, please fill in this form and if you meet the criteria, we’ll try to remove that barrier. We’ll need receipts, tickets etc for the finance system:
https://xrb.link/gU78yQIf you wish to discuss your needs contact: xr.inclusion@protonmail.com
October 15 – Festival of Resistance
Tate Modern Garden – Bankside
11am start – 5pm
Join us outside the Tate Modern from 11-5pm on October 15th as we harness the anger we feel by subverting our rage into joyful empowerment. Be inspired by all we can achieve when we come together in resistance.
Hear from organisers from a diverse range of movements and organisations, enjoy music poetry and comedy. Share food, feelings and ideas with us. Leave motivated, inspired and ready to step into action.
Hubs and Art Blockers will be welcoming new people and offer flyers, patches and more. There will talks, trainings, creative outreach and loads more!
Tell us you’re coming on Facebook here.
- Lineup
Lily Cole
Kate Raworth
She Drew the Gun
Selena Godden
Zena Edwards
Natasha Walter
Daze Aghaji
….and more to be announced!
- Cover the Capital
On Saturday evening as the programme comes to a close, we will get ready to head out en masse into central London for a visually disruptive Paint The Streets special.
We have hundreds of bus stop ads and thousands of tube ads, spreading the science of the emergency alongside XR’s slogans and positive vision for an upgraded system of politics, which represents us and our communities.
Training, groups and supplies will be provided.
On the underground there is also the opportunity to perform effective outreach with a group, and there will be a meeting point afterwards for a social gathering to replenish energies.
Make sure you’re on the Paint the Streets Telegram group for regular updates
If you don’t sign up but still want to get involved, make sure you arrive at Tate Modern at 5pm.
Accessible? This action requires mobility around the city and negotiation of tube staircases. See the sign up form for more info.
October 16 – Reclaim our Future March
10:30am: Gather at the Reformers’ Tree in Hyde Park
11:00am: Regenerative Cultures will hold a space to honour the tree and think about their vision of the future
12:00pm: March to Parliament Square
Tell us you’re coming and find out more on Facebook!
BRING: Acorns to hand out
BANNERS: In green, black and white with oak tree imagery
Come and share your grief, anger, faith and love – take to the streets and show the UK Government and the world our regenerative vision for the future.
We will carry an oak sapling, a descendant of the 600 year old Kett’s Oak tree in Norfolk. This tree served as the meeting hub for Kett’s Rebellion in 1549, when 16000 civilians rose up against the ruling classes.
During the Weekend of Resistance, the sapling will provide a focus for us to reflect on and share our visions for a future of justice, transformation and equality. Young people will honour the Oak tree and its history of resistance – and speak to the need for justice.
Our siblings across the planet continue to resist violence: we stand alongside them.
#YouMakeHistory #ChangeIsNow #ReclaimOurFuture
Wheelchair accessible. For support with access needs, contact xr.inclusion@protonmail.com