XR Unchained 11
December 17, 2019 by XR Newsletter
5 DEC | Vienna. “Keep it in the ground” action outside the headquarters of the OPEC oil cartel.
14 DEC | Glenelg beach, Adelaide. Watch the video: “Dressed in suits and carrying briefcases we buried our heads in the sand at Glenelg to symbolise the Government’s refusal to confront the climate and ecological crisis. As bushfires burn and smoke chokes our cities it’s imperative that the government follow through on Extinction Rebellion’s first demand by telling the truth through declaring a climate and ecological emergency. They must work with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.”
11 DEC | Sydney. As unprecedented bushfires continue to rage across Australia and hazardous air quality threatens people’s health, protestors set up a tent occupation outside the office of German manufacturing giant Siemens. Siemens was recently announced as a potential partner of the India-based conglomerate Adani in constructing one of the world’s largest coal mines in Australia. Police arrived and six rebels were arrested.
New South Wales bushfire survivor Fiona Lee said: “Coal is the primary driver of the climate crisis, which is supercharging these deadly fires, devastating people’s health, stopping work and destroying homes. Burning the coal from Adani’s mine guarantees that countless more homes like mine will burn to the ground in flames fuelled by the climate crisis.”
Maldives Calls for Crime of Ecocide
6 Dec | Maldives
Maldives calls for a crime of #ecocide in official statement to the International Criminal Court Assembly of State Parties: “We believe the time is ripe to consider and amendment to the Rome Statute that would criminalise acts that amount to ecocide.”
NOVEMBER 29 – Climate Strike and Black Friday actions around the world
In Germany more than 630,000 people in over 500 cities and towns took to the streets to demand a New Start for the Climate.
Frankfurt, Germany.
Leipzig, Germany.
Munich, Germany.
New York City, USA.
Washington DC, USA. “Funeral for our Future” procession with mourners grieving all that we’ve lost and everything we stand to lose in the Climate Emergency.
Cambridge, UK. “We’ve parked a pink boat on Corn Exchange Street and will be blocking the Grand Arcade car park in Cambridge for the remainder of the day. A throwaway culture and cheap consumerism is killing the planet and enslaving the global south.”
Plymouth, UK.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Models from Extinction Rebellion Fashion.
Göteborg, Sweden. Black Friday – Black Future!
In Malmo, Swedish rebels chanted and displayed anti-consumption banners in the middle of a department store.
Prague, Czech Republic.
Montreal, Canada. 12 rebels were arrested as protesters crashed Black Friday sales in downtown Montreal. Video here.“Stop buying crap – and they’ll stop making crap,” read one rebel placard. Photo: Alexandre Letendre/Radio-Canada
Vancouver Island, Canada.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Bruges. Wouter Mouton is a recent XR member who has spent most of his free time doing one-man actions, standing in the main square in Bruges. He has a provoking sign which he uses to engage in conversation with the many tourists that visit the city, posting his experiences on his Facebook page.
2 DEC | Stockholm. Swedish rebels glued themselves to each other in front of the Ministry of Finance. “We had one simple question: money or life? Decisions taken in the Ministry of Finance are binding us. Sadly they are digging the hole of our fossil fuel dependency.”
A rebel is removed by security during the action outside the Ministry of Finance.
DEC 13 | Copenhagen. Green washing the Climate Ministry.
9 DEC | Oslo. Rebel action outside the headquarters of Schibsted, one of the largest media groups in Scandinavia and publisher of leading Norwegian and Swedish newspapers, to demand they tell the truth about the climate crisis.
Czech Republic
29 NOV | Prague. XR Youth demonstrate outside the Russian Embassy.
Ottawa. Tanya Bucknor, also known as Ann Cognito, set off from her home in Calgary, Alberta, back in the spring and travelled on her kickbike and by using ride shares to Ottawa, the Canadian capital, where she aims to give a letter demanding more action on climate change to Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister. She has been trying to make an appointment with Trudeau’s office since February but has had no response. “I am staying here until I personally deliver this letter and until our government is doing what we need them to do,” she said. Here is her petition on Change.org.
7 DEC | St Ives, Cornwall. Sad dinosaur!
Here is some shocking imagery showing large methane emissions from a west Texas oil field, made visible for the first time.
New York City, USA. Here is a brilliant action: the march of the empty shopping trolleys. As pioneered by XR New York City. “Remember the game Snake? What once was a childhood game is now an active meditation on the ravages over-consumption – 1.7x of Earth’s yearly biocapacity was used in 2018.”
Rebels march the empty shopping trolleys through a New York supermarket, 29 November.