XR Unchained: Day 2 of Rebellion
October 09, 2019 by Extinction Rebellion
XR is more Unchained than ever. The sheer scope of creative, ingenious and courageous actions all over the globe is no longer something we can even attempt to keep up with.
But rather than leaving so much unrecorded, we thought we’d give you our readers the chance to succeed where we can’t: so below, you’ll find a messy, beautiful, and quite possibly overwhelming scrapbook of everything that’s come to our attention in the past 24 hours. We can’t guarantee the dates or other details which you might find – we don’t have time to check it all! What we can guarantee is that this compilation is the most comprehensive perspective going of the boundless, borderless phenomenon that our movement has become.
Good luck!
XR Ireland Meditation session while holding a blockade outside the Dáil on Kildare St
Chatelet, Paris
Paris – where else!!!
Swedish, Norwegian and German rebels still holding the #BerlinBlockade #BerlinBlockieren after 38 hours
Early morning, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Red Brigade outside Berlin main station
Outside ABN-AMRO Bank (not sure what city…)
Vondelpark, Amsterdam
Tuesday 8th October
XR Amsterdam. Translated with Google from XRNL website.
After a successful action yesterday Extinction Rebellion goes through//new actions are planned in Amsterdam//Multinationals are addressed to their responsibility in the climate crisis//The police Amsterdam encircles rebels in the Vondelpark/the Government should defend the interests of its citizens rather than just those of the big companies. Eternal economic growth is impossible on an unrearing planet. Yesterday, hundreds of civilians blocked the Stadhouderskade. After petitions, demonstrations and lawsuits that were turned to deaf ears, a blockage was the only remaining remedy. Spokesman Chris Julien: ‘ We are ordinary citizens in an unprecedented serious state of emergency; We want the government to protect us from the effects of climate warming. We cannot do anything but take action until we are heard. ‘ Yesterday, the Amsterdam police took a friendly look at the weather, Extinction Rebellion is disappointed that sympathizers who came to the food were not allowed to take the blockade, that the containers with drinking water were already in the early morning The toilets were closed by the police and protesters were detained longer than permitted. In particular, our spokespersons, who had to join the world in the evening, were held for too long. Lawyer Willem Jebbink: “By far most protesters have been arrested for violating the law public manifestations. That is an offence under which the police may hold someone for six hours. To what clients have told me about the time of arrival at the police station they have been delayed for many hours. The public prosecutor and police are to hold themselves to the hard legal terms. It is very worrying that peaceful protesters are deterred in this way to make their views heard again. The Government is to properly facilitate and protect expression. ”
Today, the actions of Extinction Rebellion continue. In consultation with the city of Amsterdam, a location for a family-friendly camp was sought where planned activities could have been initiated and where information on the climate crisis would be provided. These include a fashion show, an Ecstatic Dance session and a citizens ‘ panel on the climate crisis. For instance, interested parties can familiarity with Extinction Rebellion in a positive and informative way. But now the police in the Vondelpark have surrounded rebels with ME-buses, police coaches and police on horseback. Extinction Rebellion calls the police on its intimidation techniques that violate the demonstration right. Extinction Rebellion consists of ordinary citizens who have responsibilities and are unable to block a crossroads every day.
Spokesman Chris Julien: ‘ Today We are going to take new actions aimed at the business world. With the actions we ask companies to take responsibility for combating climate warming. But above all, we call on the government to come up for the interests of its citizens rather than those of the business community. ‘ The actions of Extinction Rebellion are part of the international action Rebel Without Borders. Not only in Amsterdam, but in 60 cities worldwide, actions take place. In Belgium, XR has announced to occupy the palace garden peacefully, in England dozens of actions are planned during the week. Citizens are living on earth all over the world because governments fail to adequately protect their citizens. Extinction Rebellion wants governments (1) To be honest about the severity of the climate and ecological crisis (2) Do what it takes to curb the climate crisis (3) Let citizens decide on the solutions. To achieve these goals, the movement uses non-violent, direct action.
Rome: We are in Piazza della Madonna di Loreto for the first day of the hunger strike! #globalclimatehungerstrike #extinctionrebellion #internationalrebellion
Primera noche de #AcampadaClimática superada. Estamos frente al Ministerio por la Transición Ecológica @mitecogob para exigir una transición ecológica urgente, justa y real. Permaneceremos aquí hasta el viernes, ven a vernos.
Hello all. A rebel from XR Barcelona composed this song which has been the autumn hit and wanted us to share with all the rebels of the world so we can spread our artistic love. Congratulations for all your achievements and for saving us all from ourselves. You are our heroes and we love you. Love and rage.
Eastern Europe
From Monday 7th
Middle East
North America
Extinction Rebellion NYC ? @XR_NYC 2h2 hours ago
Come on down to Rebel Fest @ Washington Sq. Park 1:30-3:30 Anti-Oppression Workshop 2pm Meetup for Action! 3:30 – 5:30pm Chorus of All Beings 4-5pm XR Resiliency 5:30-6 Meditation 5:30-7pm Nonviolent Direct Action Training + MORE
NYC – from Monday Wall St action
Quebec rebels climbing bridge. Credit: Patrick Sanfaçon, La Presse
3 arrests. Story https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/201910/08/01-5244529-coup-declat-pour-le-climat-au-pont-jacques-cartier-trois-arrestations.php
At rush hour this morning, all five lanes of the busiest bridge in Montreal were closed for more than one hour by three XR activists. Two women and a man climbed the structure in the middle of the night, which forced police to close the bridge to traffic. They were stopped before they could make it to the top and drop their 20m wide banner. One of the activists went live on Facebook to explain the action. The video is going viral. “WE are not the farfelus (wacky ones). Those who believe we can keep growing in a finite world are the ones who live in fantasy land. It’s impossible. We need a monumental effort to stop greenhouse gas emissions. Business as usual is killing us. Join XR!”
Extinction Rebellion Québec,
For immediate release
Montreal, Quebec 7th of October 2019 – Joining thousands of rebels across the globe in a week of direct actions, a team of climbers from the Extinction Rebellion in Quebec have scaled the Jacques Cartier Bridge and opted to redecorate the structure. Representing the global rebellion, the banners denounce the lack of meaningful action in the face of multiple environmental crises. A larger squad of rebels are supporting the climbers on the ground to ensure their safety.
“Hundreds of thousands of people have mobilized for meaningful climate action in Quebec and been ignored. Achieving climate justice will require continued, massive political action,” explains XRQC rebel Yann Robitaille. “Everybody knows that pipeline projects such as the Transmountain expansion and GNL in Saguenay make meeting climate targets impossible,” he continues, “moreover, not one of the policies found at the ballot box this federal election is sufficient to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. What are needed now are massive cuts in our greenhouse gas emissions. Nothing less will solve this, and Canada must lead the way.”
Legal coordinator for XRQC May Chu elaborates, “more than half a million people have marched to send a clear message: our survival depends on our capacity to act proportionally to what the science is now telling us. Just like the marchers, whose voices they are defending, the climbers understand that only massive citizen action can achieve what is necessary today. They are continuing the struggle for climate justice. The time has come for honesty and action. We are rebelling for life and invite all those who care to join us. ”
Hundreds of other rebels will gather later today in support, commemorating the global uprising for climate justice, and denouncing inaction a year after the 6th IPCC report. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/378125943131110/s
Toronto (all pictures from XRCanada on Mattermost)
Bridge Yoga – Toronto – Monday?
Toronto – Monday?
Toronto – Monday
Latin America
Red Hot Chili Peppers ran this video behind them during Rock in Rio show
Occupation of Monsanto offices
From FB Extinction Rebellion page.
Posted 5 hour ago.
The Global demonstration against climate change convened by the ‘ Extinction Rebellion ‘ group arrived in Buenos Aires (Argentina), where members of the group entered the building of the Bayer-Monsanto chemical company to repudiate the company’s agricultural spraying policy. They also deployed a flag in the monumental tower.
Carlton Gardens, Melbourne
Extinction Rebellion Australia @XRebellionAus 9h9 hours ago
“Another mornings’ work done down at Carlton gardens. Everyone’s having lunch now.”
Above 2 photos: 10 brave activists have disrupted George St in the Meanjin/Brisbane CBD this morning to bring awareness to the climate crisis we all face. Day 2 begins.
Extinction Rebellion South East Queensland @xr_seq 13h13 hours ago
Tuesday 8th | Sydney
Tuesday am.
XR activists in Sydney stage a ‘Bee-Mergency in Hyde Part, Sydney, 6 Arrests. Total of 44 arrests in Sydney since Monday.
Rising Tide Sydney.
Rising Tide was a family friendly action and picnic on the beautiful Sydney Harbour Foreshore.
Hundreds of Rebels dressed in blue formed a human tide along the estimated 2100 high tide line at the Royal Botanic Gardens. They were backed up by a flotilla of Extinction Rebellion Pirates on sailboats who took over Farm Cove.
The event set out to vision the kind of cultural and societal systems and regenerative practices we will need in order to be resilient and adapt to a rapidly changing climate, with a focus on incorporating and learning from our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
Loads more photos here.
New Zealand
Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa redecorates statue outside NZ Parliament in Wellington to protest colonisation, exploitation and climate change
Mattermost XR India Channel post says activists going to Ravana burning at 6pm India time. Mumbia. Couldn’t find images… India correspondent may have news? Good images?
Background: Today is a big Hindu festival called Dussehra. Dussehra celebrates the Hindu god Rama’s victory over the demon king Ravana and the triumph of good over evil. The epic Ramayana tells the story of the Lord Rama who wins the lovely Sita for his wife, only to have her carried off by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Ravana plays an important role in the Ramayana.
Mumbai – oct 7
Mumbai – oct 7
Extinction Rebellion India FB page. Posted Monday 7th.
XR India FB post. 7 October.
XR Youth – not sure where
Overview- https://youtu.be/tEZki7uI-bY
Looks like Goldman Sachs are getting it.
“Despite the uncertainty around the timing and scale of the impact, it may be prudent for some cities to start investing in adaptation now,” Goldman says. “Urban adaptation could drive one of the largest infrastructure build-outs in history. Given the scale of the task, urban adaptation will likely need to draw on innovative sources of financing.”
Eight fellows of the British Academy respond to climate activism tactics https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/blog/eight-fellows-british-academy-respond-climate-change-activism-tactics?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social_paid&utm_campaign=blog%20%7C%20fellowsrespond%20%7C%20%20%7C%20Digital&utm_content=Digital&utm_term=20191007
Good old JP: https://www.facebook.com/JonathanPieReporter/videos/1425045757661077/?sfnsn=mo&d=n&vh=e
London Houses of Parliament. Image from Projection Rebellion @ProjectionRebel
Dept. of Transport, 8.24am
At 10am
Morning rebels! ☀️??☕
Huge respect to all of you for going through the night ? Here’s the morning site review ?
1: Marsham St – We Are All Crew by far the densest site with c. 1000 rebels! Tents being encouraged to move by the police but morning dance vibes prevail???- Gluing on actions occurring at 4 Government buildings within site, but police removal teams are moving fast. Laura the lorry looking threatened with police surround, 70 tents, 12 gazebos ?
2: Millbank – the North are under a lot of pressure from police, looking like one roadblock about to go. Most tents packed up, arrests occurring and losing infrastructure. Brave and courageous rebels, we love you! ❤️
3: Lambeth Bridge – Big ups to the SW & Faith groups for an immense 12hr stand off yesterday with over 60 arrests. They have now merged with We Are All Crew ?
4: Horseguards – Love Rebellion feeling loved up ? 12 gazebos and 70 tents still up, seems calm, infrastructure growing! Kitchen functioning! ??
5: Whitehall – People’s Assembly in progress, Jacob Rees-Mogg just walked past ? – Strong determined vibes to continue to hold the site! Plenty of tents and rebels ??
6: Victoria St – The Scots are rocking it! 300+ rebels, holding site comfortably and currently underway with an action of BEIS. 60 tents, kitchen up and running ☕☀️
7: Trafalgar – Sound system on! Energy reviving slowly, lost some infrastructure in the night. Roadblocks good. A little thin on numbers, hoping for more to join ?
8: Westminster Bridge – After what we thought was a calm settling into night time, the police came back at midnight and cleared the site. Now moved to Plan B and joined Trafalgar. Huge love to the Londoners! ❤️
9: The Mall – good vibes currently after a spate of arrests this morning. 50 or so rebels, tents, marquees still up and only few police about. ????
10: After a jolly night bedded down in Smithsfield Market, Animal Rebellion to take their 2nd site today on Horseferry Rd! ? Welcome!
11: Global Justice now at St James Park, having a meeting this morning to discuss moving to a 2nd Plan B. 30 or so rebels. And toilets have arrived! ?
12: XR Peace – are up and about and ready to join another site, possibly The Mall ?️
All in all… That’s 8/12 standing but this could already be old news ??
What we are doing is INCREDIBLE. It is HUGE. The news reports are rolling, the people are talking, the politicians are noticing. The fact the police are cranking up response means we are having a much bigger effect. Stay strong ?? Stay calm ?♀️
With ferocious love of these lands in our hearts. We act in peace. Together. Rooted in love ❤️
Update 2-lunchtime
Brief lunchtime sites update ?
All 12 sites are currently experiencing GOOD VIBES ??♂️
Site 3: SW&Faith and Site 10: Animal Rebellion have joined Site 1: WE ARE ALL CREW at Marsham St/Horseferry Road. Arrests are currently happening rapidly – if you’re willing to risk arrest, that’s a good place to go! ??????♂️? Arrest-watch rebels also valuable…
Site 2: Millbank, our Northern rebels also experiencing fast arrests and cutting of locks, but they are singing their way through it and determined to hold on ??
The 3 London sites appear to be merging now at Trafalgar, but still holding space at the Mall currently too.
Sites with kitchens include: Marsham St, Horseguards, Victoria St, The Mall ??
Keep hydrated, nourished, meditated and full of love! ❤️
Update 3
Join us to recharge and rest in our beautiful secluded spot next to the lake and wildlife.
We are here for you!
… With marquees, plenty workshops, talks, music and rest space. It is peaceful with dry warm space and very little police presence.
We’re also a space to learn and engage with climate injustices happening now in the Global South and how we can be a part of standing up against this.
2pm Benny Wenda from Free West Papua campaign
4pm Kurdish Solidarity Network re. today’s news about US withdrawing forces from North Syria;
Phulbari Solidarity Campaign in the evening from 5ish;
7 onwards migrant justice talk with Asad Rehman from war on want and Ben Smoke from LGSM
With love and solidarity!!! Xxx
EFBW (Edward Fail Bradshaw & Waterson) are protest experienced and come recommended. They’re here to support rebels at the police station from tonight throughout the rebellion: 07841 454170.
Jean, age 8, sent this banner from Scotland to London with her mum.
London. Photos: Stefan Müller
Photo Stefan Müller
From Southwark
Gov. Approved four new gas powered turbines https://twitter.com/louhaigh/status/1181533383056412672?s=12
Home Office 11.42am
Parliament Sq
Whitehall 11.50am
London, Red Rebels in Whitehall
Trees ready to be planted at Old Palace Yard, NOT Parliament Square!
Trees in Parliament Sq
Caroline Lucas & tree
Caroline Lucas: “A fantastic initiative from @ExtinctionR reforesting team handing out native British trees to MPs”
Banners arrived ready to get back to our vulnerable millbank, lots of arrests in XR liverpool and north this morning, keep morale high ?☮✊
St James’
XR Youth gather outside the Department for Education to demand an education that is fit for purpose.
Strand, London
Trafalgar Sq
Trafalgar Sq. Photo: Stefan Müller
London arrests. Photos: Stefan Müller
Welcome our Neighbours – The Future is Here (the Mall) site. They decided to keep London strong and together ? and reinforce us at Trafalgard Square.
They are moving their stuff now so give them a hand and they will have a procession ceremony to us at 5.30 ?♀?♂?♀?♂
You might have also seen around some Rebels from Westminster Bridge site who will be joining us to camp ☺️
?London strong together?
Marsham Street
Marsham st police surround Big Laura to make and exclusion zone . Giraffe by BrookeTate
AdBlock Bristol analog scroll slide show
Trafalgar Sq
Trafalgar Sq
XR Trafalgar sq has its own telegram
Can anyone use these pics. Vicar being arrested on Whitehall. Put in handcuffs. From
Jon Fuller
Colleagues and comrades, this is a great excerpt to share from the programme: please please can we share on all channels incl Facebook?.. This is resonating and could get us loads of new rebels. Thanks! https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1181541248177442817
I really choked up when it got to talking about my nieces… from Rupert Read
Beyond Politics
Power Is Truth
The Future Is Here
We Are All Crew
Cop with XR sticker: