Statement from Extinction Rebellion UK on the ‘Heathrow Pause’ action
August 02, 2019 by Extinction Rebellion
Email: press@risingup.org.uk
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While Extinction Rebellion UK recognises the need for actions that are highly disruptive and controversial in order to highlight the severity of the Climate and Ecological Emergency, Extinction Rebellion UK does not support an action at Heathrow as designed at this time.
If such an action takes place at this time, it will be independent of Extinction Rebellion UK.
It is clear that people in the movement have had different views around this proposed action and that tension has arisen from figuring out the most effective way to tell the truth about the Climate and Ecological Emergency we face – so that we can all act now.
Therefore, Extinction Rebellion UK neither condones nor condemns the action and will not be supporting it in any way. Those that choose to become involved do so as individuals just as they can become involved in other social movements and networks separate to Extinction Rebellion.
A number of agreements have been put in place between Extinction Rebellion UK and those involved with the independent Heathrow action:
- The independent group make it clear that this action is not an Extinction Rebellion UK action, but an independent action.
- Members of the Heathrow group adhere to agreements already in place by not using Extinction Rebellion resources.
- This includes that no Extinction Rebellion UK teams will support the action, neither will there be office space provided for planning, financial support or access to any personal data held by Extinction Rebellion UK.
- Individuals involved in the Heathrow action who are in coordination roles in Extinction Rebellion will make clear that separation.
- People involved in the Heathrow action make clear when speaking whether they are Spokespeople for Extinction Rebellion or the independent group, or themselves (in the media or at events) until the action is concluded.
- Members of the Heathrow action cannot receive Voluntary Living Expenses for any activity around the ‘Heathrow Pause’. They are also not getting any legal, wellbeing or other support for the action from Extinction Rebellion UK. They may still remain eligible for Voluntary Living Expenses for Extinction Rebellion activity.