Jeremy Clarkson backs Extinction Rebellion in the face of Climate Emergency - Extinction Rebellion UK

Jeremy Clarkson backs Extinction Rebellion in the face of Climate Emergency

Jeremy Clarkson has today backed Extinction Rebellion’s call for International Rebellion and nonviolent civil disobedience in light of the criminal inaction of governments around the world in the face of the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Jeremy Clarkson said: “I know that people may think of me as a petrol head and may find this unexpected, but given the daily news about changes to the climate and the world around us, I have been considering changing from car racing to carpooling.

“I have been so deeply inspired by the work of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish activist who sparked off the Global School Strike movement. Last night in her acceptance speech at the Golden Camera Awards – Germany’s most prestigious media awards – she said that celebrities must use their fame to do more to support the movement to address climate change, saying “people see you celebrities as gods, you influence billions of people, we need you, you can use your voice to raise awareness about this global crisis”.

“Greta, you went to Davos by train from Sweden, while the great and good of the world flew. Your actions have made me think, think about the world that we are leaving for our children. It is time that we adults make some changes so that we can safeguard their future, and the future of their children to come. For this reason, I’m giving my backing to Extinction Rebellion as it clear the Government is not acting. There have been petitions, marching, lobbying, but it has not worked. It is now time for more radical action, for civil disobedience, for each one of us to find our power within and to collectively create a better world together.”

Extinction Rebellion in a statement said: “It is fantastic that Jeremy Clarkson has chosen to take this step and we hope that he will open the gates so that all of these hugely influential people do the right thing and use their fame to alert the world that this is the greatest crisis in history. Unless we move to an emergency footing immediately and governments start to cooperate to find ways to address climate breakdown, we are risking unimaginable horrors and a hell-like existence for our young to inherit.”

“This needs to be a time when celebrities join us and engage in nonviolent civil disobedience with us – not as celebrities but as members of the human race who care enough about future generations to put their bodies in front of their convictions and stand with us as we take action. Jeremy Clarkson is leading the way.”

Beginning Monday 15 April, Extinction Rebellion in the UK and around the world are calling for an International Rebellion to demand decisive action on the climate and ecological collapse from governments around the world. They say ‘Come to stay, book two weeks, bring your tents and family. Let’s rebel for all life on earth’. More information at

Coming up on today Monday 1 April, Extinction Rebellion will also undertake a BBC Staff Survey. From 11am to 2pm at BBC Broadcasting House (Portland Pl, Marylebone, London W1A 1AA), Extinction Rebellion Volunteers will put a series of searching questions to BBC staff on their lunch and coffee breaks to find out what they really think about the corporations work in regards to informing the public about the climate and ecological emergency. [1]

Also coming up!

  • Monday 1-7 April Paint the Streets Worldwide: Disobey to Tell the TruthGlobal. Calling rebels willing to join a week of mass flyposting, using non-violent civil disobedience to tell the truth on climate breakdown and ecological collapse. We will use stickers, posters, banners and more, covering the streets with our messages, to shake awake our fellow human beings who are sleepwalking into disaster.
  • Lots more protests and events! There are many other actions and events happening now in London and around the UK due to Extinction Rebellion’s decentralised structure (too many to list here). For the latest news, see the website: plus also check out the facebook:

Notes to Editors


About Extinction Rebellion

Time has almost entirely run out to address the ecological crisis which is upon us, including the 6th mass species extinction and abrupt, runaway climate change. Societal collapse and mass death are seen as inevitable by scientists and other credible voices, with human extinction also a possibility, if rapid action is not taken.

Extinction Rebellion believes it is a citizen’s duty to rebel, using peaceful civil disobedience, when faced with criminal inactivity by its Government.

Extinction Rebellion’s topline demands:

  • The Government must admit the truth about the ecological emergency, reverse all policies inconsistent with addressing climate change, and work alongside the media to communicate with citizens
  • The Government must enact policy measures to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025 and to reduce consumption levels
  • A national Citizen’s Assembly must be created, to oversee the changes, as part of creating a democracy fit for purpose.

Declaration of Rebellion:

The Extinction Rebellion Climate Factsheet for Rebels

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