Self-Organising System - Extinction Rebellion UK

Self-Organising System

Introduction to Self-Organising

XR UK has developed the Self-Organising System (SOS), because it’s the best way we could find to embody the Principles and Values of our movement – in particular, that we are based on autonomy and decentralisation, that we actively mitigate power, and that we value reflecting and learning.

We learn from those who have gone before us. Researchers have studied the major civil disobedience movements of the last century. One of the main indicators of successful movements is that they are highly organised and maintain organisational infrastructure under pressure.

The Importance of Structure and Mitigating Power

A group without clear relationships and structure will simply form a hidden structure with hidden power dynamics. We avoid hierarchical power, which we are all familiar with — from school, from work and many other places — and it takes a change of mindset to work in a different way. We need a cultural shift. We can’t swap the structural power of hierarchy for a vague idea, it simply won’t work. We have to find something equally powerful to replace it with.

In the XR UK Self-Organising System, no one is in charge and authority is distributed amongst roles that are consented to by everybody in the group. It shifts power out of people and into the processes of the system, so that no single person has power over another person or the system itself.

It also includes processes that enable us to change the system itself so that XR UK can adapt and grow in the way it needs to.

Foundations of the Self-Organising System

Some of the foundations of the SOS include distributing power; consent-based decision making; maintaining healthy groups; building a regenerative culture; and more. For an introduction to these topics, check out:

Here are some common questions and answers that describe foundational elements of the SOS:

Why do we have a self-organising system?

XR’s tenth principle and value is that we are based on autonomy and decentralisation. The self-organising system (SOS for short) is a set of practices that guarantees this autonomy while also enabling the different parts of the movement to work together.

But why does it have to be a system? Can’t we just trust people to organise themselves?

For small groups that work more or less autonomously, the full SOS may be more than you need. But when the regions and nations are interacting with the XR UK Actions, and with the Media & Messaging team, and using the technology provided by the Digital team — and so on — we need some standard ways of organising and deciding, so that we’re not having to spend time arguing from first principles all the time. These standard ways are set out in the XR UK constitution.

Who decided how we should organise ourselves?

This decision was made by rebels and founders early in 2019. It is rooted in an evidence-based and tested approach to self-organising called holacracy. As well as safeguarding autonomy, we believe this approach can contribute to a regenerative culture and embody other XR principles and values like mitigating the concentration of power and encouraging reflecting and learning. It aims to avoid some of the pitfalls that have undermined other progressive movements such as Occupy.

OK, so what’s the gist?

Starting from the aims of the movement as a whole, we break this down into smaller parts. To achieve our demands, what are the things — actions, communications, regen, organisational, technical etc — that we need to get done?

With each of these, we then ‘mandate’ a team to achieve them. A mandate is what the rest of the movement wants the team to do. Within this mandate the team has complete autonomy (within the Principles and Values) over how it organises itself and its work. Frequently this may involve further decentralisation, dividing the authority in its mandate into smaller mandates. These are given to sub-groups and ultimately to individual roles.

Does a mandate give you power?

The power to decide how you achieve a specified outcome or purpose, yes. But also some responsibilities. As well as the purpose, a mandate also comprises a set of accountabilities. These describe how you will achieve the purpose, in a series of activities that others in the movement can expect you to do. The accountabilities of a group, or a role, are what they can be held accountable for.

Like a job description, then?

Yes, and no. Yes, the mandate gives a general idea of what a group, or role, is working towards, and how. But a job description sets the limits of what you’re allowed to do, and a manager can direct how you do it. A mandate flips that on its head: you can do anything you need to do (that doesn’t interfere with someone else’s mandate) to achieve your purpose. You are not restricted to your accountabilities. Your accountabilities define what others can ask and expect of you. There are no managers, and no one can direct how you go about meeting your accountabilities.

Managing without managers? Does that work?

It can if we decentralise our power through mandates, and keep evolving our organisation. We establish feedback loops within relevant groups and roles, so that each limb of the movement can renew itself. This helps embody two of our Principles and Values: mitigating power, and valuing reflecting and learning. But in turn it depends on everyone being transparent about what their mandate is, enabling others across the movement to find who is accountable for what, and to give feedback. Hence all our mandates and as many groups as possible are published on the organism view of XR UK.

What roles does every team have?

To work within the XR UK Constitution, each team needs to have three roles (the ‘core roles’):

  • someone to organise the work of the team and support members in their roles — the Internal Coordinator
  • someone to integrate the work of the team with the broader movement — the External Coordinator
  • someone to keep records of who’s doing what in the team, and ensure all members are on the team communication channels — the Group Admin.

Together these roles make sure that the team is as transparent and accessible as it reasonably can be to the rest of the movement — so that we can all quickly find who’s accountable for what. There are still quite a lot of meetings, but we keep them as short as possible.

What happens when people disagree?

It’s inevitable we will disagree, sometimes strongly. The XR UK constitution outlines an ‘Integrative Decision Making’ process. If someone feels that something is not working as it should, they express this tension — ideally explaining how it impacts their mandate — and make a proposal for addressing it.

And then you put the proposal to a vote, right?

We try to be less binary than Yes/No, less factional than For/Against. First, a facilitator guides the process of checking everyone understands the proposal and its implications — particularly for them and their mandates. Then the facilitator invites reactions to the proposal. Finally they ask for any objections. We avoid majority rule — voting — or minority rule — veto. Objections are only valid if they convincingly show that harm would arise from the proposal (for example: if a group would no longer be able to exercise its mandate, that would be harm). “I don’t think that’s going to work” is a reaction that the proposer may or may not take on when implementing the proposal, but it is not a valid objection.

Does a valid objection mean you need to start from scratch with a new proposal?

Maybe, but hopefully not. A proposal can’t go forward if there’s a valid objection, but the group is invited to think creatively to suggest changes to the proposal. These changes should retain the desired impact of the original proposal while also avoiding the harm identified in the objection.

Rebellion Academy Courses

UK Rebellion Academy is an online learning platform where you can work through online trainings in your own time to learn more about Extinction Rebellion

  • Intro to XR Group Structures
    This training is about how XR organises, communicates and makes decisions. It covers the purpose of the SOS and the six underlying principles of Self-Organising Systems.
  • SOS — A Change in Culture (link coming soon)
    This SOS course follows on from the Intro to XR Group Structures training above. It covers how XR UK’s Self-Organising System aligns us with XR’s Principles and Values, and how we approach meetings and decision-making.

How SOS Works

The Constitution sets out our agreed processes for distributing and making decisions, and for organising within and between teams. Whilst XR UK teams are bound by the Constitution, the Nations and Regions of the UK, as well as Local Groups, are not – although they may choose to adopt it, or parts of it, if they wish to (and many have). These smaller, autonomous groups can act under XR’s names as long as they are in alignment with XR Principles and Values.

How To Guides

The Rebel Toolkit, XR UK’s library of resources and creative work, gives more in-depth guides on how to use our Self-Organising System in practice to build healthy teams, co-evolve the movement and meet our demands.

You can find information on how SOS works in terms of the Constitution, Roles, Processes & Policies
Guidance on how to put these into practice (e.g. decision-making, coordination, working with other teams) can be found as part of a larger cross-movement guide on Building Healthy Teams (link coming soon).

Contact us

To ask any questions, request support and facilitation, or join the team and deepen your knowledge of self-organising, please email or speak to us on our XRUK SOS Mattermost channel.

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